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www.we're Tech-Know returns for 2021!

Our intergenerational technological support programme returns for 2021!

TECH-KNOW...rebooting on June 7th.


Mondays 4:15 – 6pm starting on…7th June 2021.


All Saints Youth Project


Abdull & Chelsea + our amazing Young Leaders.


Helping adults, parents, carers engage with and understand Technology. From Facebook to Gmail via Whatsapp and Zoom…on Tablets, Laptops, Smart Devices and Phones. Tech-Know will help you communicate, connect and understand the online technological world. Be in the know with Tech-Know.


Each week, our resident WWW.izard Abdull, will cover a range of useful topics like;

setting up your email

using zoom

creating and using a social media account

how to use your devices safely

and how to better understand how the Young People in your life engage with content and each other online.

You will also be encouraged to bring along your own devices so our Tech-Know team can help you troubleshoot and solve any problems you may be having and leave you with the knowledge and confidence to use your devices to their full potentials…or just for shopping!

To get involved, please contact us to register and we will get in touch with you before our start date of JUNE 7th 2021. or simply drop in for support and to be part of the session.

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